Noir (Lucien Gilson)

Né en 1988, Liège et vit à Liège

Noir (Lucien Gilson)

Né en 1988, Liège et vit à Liège

Artistic approach

Trained at Saint-Luc (Liège), Lucien is attracted to the creative and patchwork aspect of what he observes. In paintings, drawings, monumental frescoes, mural art, trompe- l'œil, decoration and urban design, he first explores a dark world under tension. His pseudonym reflects this.

Constantly on the lookout for new forms and new media, he has developed a distinctive graphic style. He works with spray cans as well as brushes, tears up paper, draws inspiration from advertising and superheroes, uses virtual reality to produce his drafts and doesn't rule out incorporating sculpture into his work. Over time, he adds touches of gold or colour, while keeping the shades of black that reveal his signature.

"I've always been fascinated by the ephemeral nature of things, the speed at which news and advertising come and go on every street corner and on every magazine page.

Our eyes become slaves without us realising it. The themes of my work have naturally focused on the fact that contemporary men and women are gradually losing their vision of what constitutes beauty, in a world where they are assaulted by a little more superfluous information every day. In my work, there is no obvious connection between the different characters and texts.

My works are often saturated with information, with very little breathing space. The eye cannot rest. For me, this is the best way of painting a 'mirror' of society, as I see it and feel it."


In a style combining hyperrealism and surrealism, with a touch of pop art and the world of tattoos, NOIR Artist returns to his "Fragments" series with new paintings featuring shimmering backgrounds.

At the heart of this explosion of elements, NOIR seeks a subtle balance between realistic details and whimsical fragments, aiming to infuse his works with light- hearted, poetic messages.

The different fragments present in his works open the way to a proliferation of perspectives and interpretations.

« I am free as I create, but the audience can find links with their own individual stories, their own personal references. I have many such references, and plenty of sources of inspiration ».

Copyright Sébastien François

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